Stencil Savvy with Altenew

I love how in the papercrafting community we have products that ebb and flow. The mighty stencil has one of the strongest comebacks I have ever seen. While they have become multi-layered, create full images and remain one of the best ways to add texture to a project. Like the mighty stencil have made the comeback to the AECP with Altenew. I am excited to be back and to complete my program and become certified as an Altenew educator. I have been teaching art for years and years but I have discovered, as an educator, you must continue to learn.

Let’s talk stencils.

Altenew Celebration: Stencil Technique

They are versatile and you can really mix it up when using them. I was completely inspired from my Celebration: Stencil Techniques class to use paste on my card front.

The best part of this class was it inspired me to 1. use my products, 2. explore my products, 3. make a fun card that would bring joy to someone. 🙂

Using texture paste can be intimadating, but don’t let it keep you from getting in there and making some fun textures. Stencils are a great investment as they are very easy to use. I have put together a step-by-step how to class and it is avaiblable in my store.

Interested in making this fun card, check this out! Use this code to get the class for free AECPEHKOI

Erika Hayes

For me, it’s all about education. I am self-taught designer and artist. I made the choice to stay home and be a mom for almost 25 years and during that time, I studied graphic design, color theory and visual arts through online learning opportunities. I am a published artist and writer. I returned to college as an adult and studied American Sign Language, German and creative writing. I am a lifelong learner and love sharing what I learn with anyone with interest. Currently gaining certification in Adobe Illustrator.