Superstar Card Contest

Well, it has rolled around again and I am going for it in two categories. Color Virtuoso and Clean and Simple. I am excited to share my creations for the contest. I am both proud of myself and I am nervous for getting back in the game. I’m also considering looking for a Design Team to join. It has been a while but I am in my own craft room again so that makes it a little more fun. I also know that I love working under deadlines and truth be told, I kinda miss it! So why not. I always loved working on DTs.

Enough about me, I wanted to share my cards for the Superstar Card Contest. So, here they are:

Coloring Virtuoso – I spent a lot of time making sure each house was different and adding texture to the buildings. I also had to alter the puppy to make him to not be itching his ear.

For the Clean and Simple Category, I used a set that is most often used as a “fall” card. Lots of orange and reds. I went another way. I also didn’t make a “fall” card. I really enjoyed making this card and sharing it. I am very happy with the result of this one.

There you go now I wait, with a flip floppy stomach. I don’t know why it makes me so nervous other than having another person judge your work 🙂 I like them and I know that’s all that matter but there is so much talent out there, so many better than mine. What I do know is you can’t win if you don’t enter 🙂

Be blessed my friends!

One thought on “Superstar Card Contest

  1. Golda September 14, 2020 / 9:44 pm

    Erika Hayes, these are both fantastic cards! I love that you entered contests with them, too. You are incredibly talented and it is wonderful that you are sharing that talent! Congrats on your wonderful craft room, as well!

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